[AMPS] Henry 3KD on 160m

Jim Henderson jhenders@zianet.com
Sun, 10 Aug 1997 15:28:45 +0000

Esteemed Reflectees:

        Have a 3KD that won't load to over 400w into a known good load,
works FB (1500w) elsewhere. Seems to run out of tune/load range on 160m. 

        Consulting the schematic, I find it calls for 675pF combined but
there is only 650 in-circuit. The caps on both 40, 80, and 160m switch
positions differ slightly from the schematic as well.  Any 3KD users on this
group, or with experience on this one, I would like to e-mail with you. 

        This unit was rebuilt by Henry recently, supposed to be stock and
working. The 3KD Guru at Henry has been hard to find, so users' comments are
appreciated. Perhaps it just needs another combined few pF, but the
discrepancy between schematic and actual bears investigation.

73 de Jim, KF7E

Jim Henderson


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