[AMPS] Amperex 3-500Z???

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Tue, 19 Aug 97 06:03:35 -0800

>  I have a set of Amperex tubes I believe are 3-400Z's or
>3-500Z's, but have a different numerical designation.
>(I forgot the number off the top of my head!)
>Does anyone have the correct cross ref. numbers for
>the Amperex / Eimac tubes?
The 8163 is electrically equivalent to a 3-400Z.  The Amperex 8002/3-500Z 
is electrically similar to an Eimac 3-500Z, except that the Amperex 8002 
has a slightly higher Mu.  All  have a peak emission capability of c. 
1.2A and produce similar PEP.  The Eimac 3-500Z requires a bit more drive 
power than the rest--as well as a bit more bias V--due to it's lower Mu.  

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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