[AMPS] Low line voltage

Ron Hooper ab4ru@stc.net
Sun, 07 Dec 1997 23:29:36 +0000

km1h @ juno.com wrote:
> On Fri, 05 Dec 1997 00:32:45 -0500 Michael Barts <mbarts@vt.edu> writes:
> >I'm trying to set up at a "portable" location for the 160m contest and
> >discover that the line voltage here is 208VAC, not 220VAC. The amp
> >(Alpha
> >76C, 3x8874) docs state that the intended operating range is
> >220-250VAC.
> >Will 208VAC be too low? The primary concern would be the filament
> >voltage,
> >which might be too low on 208. There are no taps on the power
> >transformer,
> >so I'm stuck. What say ye amp wizards?
> >
> >73, Mike N4GU

Hi Mike,
  The 208 line is going to cause low output on the amp and cause it to
pull more current if driven to compensate for the line voltage. The 208
line will have a good solid 120 volts to ground so if it was me I would
consider changing the amp to 120 for the test. Make sure you have a
power cord capable of extra current capacity to prevent voltage drop
from the panel. You will be better off doing that than running it on low
Ron W4WA

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