[AMPS] LK-800

Dave Booth booth@pactitle.com
Mon, 8 Dec 1997 06:30:17 -0800 (PST)

> Season Greetings,
>        I was hoping that some of you could tell me a little more about
> this amp other than the fact that it runs 3x3CX800's. Are these a good
> amplifier? What is the typical expected output? and what is the current
> market price. I know that Amp-Supply is no longer in business.
>        The reason I ask these questions is that I am currently offering
> my Collins 30S1 for sale and pending its sale I wish to purchase a legal
> limit amplifier. I am trying to get the most for my money and expect the
> used market to be my best bet.

I have no knowalage of this amp other than if you had to replace the
3cx800A7's you would be looking at $1050.00 USA dollars for new tubes...

Them puppies are not cheep I know I have a 6M anp that uses 1 3cx800A7!

Hope I don't have to replace it any time soon!

Dave Booth kc6wfs

>     Thank you  VE3DXV.....
> --
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