[AMPS] LK-800

Kenneth D. Grimm grimm@lynchburg.net
Mon, 08 Dec 1997 11:07:58 -0500

km1h @ juno.com wrote:

> On Sun, 07 Dec 1997 21:10:18 -0500 dtrbizan@netcom.ca writes:
> >Season Greetings,
> >       I was hoping that some of you could tell me a little more
> about
> >this amp other than the fact that it runs 3x3CX800's. Are these a
> good
> >amplifier? What is the typical expected output? and what is the
> >current
> >market price.

stuff snipped

> Good is a relative term.
> The LK-800 requires some TLC for long term reliability.
> The PS is excellent .
> The RF deck is marginal in a few areas and could use some mods. It
> does
> however use a vacuum relay for the output.
> Power out is ~ 2500W with 80- 100W of drive.
> Replacement parts are readily available.
> Current prices are ~ $2500-3000; look for the latest  A model or the
> later C model.
> GL   Carl   KM1H

I agree with Carl, but would add that there is a relatively rare and
much sought after TNY version which would command the higher end of
Carl's price range if not a bit higher.  As a matter of trivial
interest, I might point out that the TNY version of the amp is named
after a former Mr. Ohio body builder who is currently a not-so-well
known rock band member.  I have more details, but have been sworn to
secrecy.  :-}


Ken K4XL

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