[AMPS] HV glitch resistor/fuse?
km1h @ juno.com
Tue, 09 Dec 1997 14:01:29 EST
On Tue, 9 Dec 1997 09:39:26 -0500 "Walter Kornienko" <zak@goes.com>
>What is the best type of resistor to use in the HV lead
>to a power amp.
An enameled wirewound Walt...not a ceramic type.
A good wirewound should be able to
>act as a fuse as well, right?
Absolutely not! It is there as a current limiter only and must be able
to survive the hit long enough for it to pass or a fuse/breaker blows.
Any recommendations
>as to where to find a wire wound resistor that'll handle
>kV and have ample dissipation to handle legal output?
You need 10-20 Ohms or so depending on the tubes and the amount of
current limiting. A typical value may be 20 Ohms @ 25W. In a HV line over
3000V or so putting 2 or more resistors in series to spread the HV
breakdown path is advised.
I sell 6.3 Ohm 15W Dale's at $2.50 if ur interested in a series string of
2 or 3. Other sources are any of the standard catalog houses that carry
Ohmite, Clarostat, Dale and similar quality brands.
BTW, congrats on winning your RFI lawsuit !
73 Carl KM1H
> 73 de Walt Kornienko - K2WK - zak@goes.com
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