[AMPS] Parasitic Suppressor

Phil Clements philk5pc@connect.net
Tue, 9 Dec 1997 14:19:50 -0600

At 12:48 PM 12/9/97 -0600, you wrote:
>I am in the process of building a VT-4-C (211) Hartley Oscillator
>transmitter and have only a few 2 watt composition resistors with
>which to build a parasitic suppressor for the plate.  They are:
>   1 ea.  10 ohm 2 watt composition
>   2 ea.  15 ohm 2 watt composition
>   1 ea. 100 ohm 2 watt composition
>   1 ea. 150 ohm 2 watt composition
>Since I don't have the foggiest idea where I can get any others,
>I am asking those of you that are knowledgeable about such things,
>which of these might make the best resistor around which to wind
>a coil for parasitic suppression on an 80 meter 

Nortex Electronic Co. in Ft. Worth (817)731-6611, open Tue-Sat.,
Hass millions of comp. resistors,(no exaggeration) old tubes, sockets
and many pre WWII parts. There are several old HB radios in the 
display cabinet. Perhaps you can look at one of them and copy the
suppressor by looking at it. Also they have stacks of old ham radio
books for sale, which may show you the details of building what you
have interest in. GL!

Phil, K5PC

P.S. a trip to this store is like a trip back in time! Fantastic.

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