[AMPS] Re: transformers

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sun, 13 Jul 97 06:37:25 -0700

>> From:          Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
>> Date:          Thu, 10 Jul 97 12:39:24 +0000
>> >My question was"does the TL-922 use a series or parallel filament 
>> >circuit?". You stated the only difference was the transformer 
>> >"style".
>> >.   
>> - I measured the inrush current in each tube with a HP 1708 oscilloscope. 
>>  Did you?  It matters not whether the filaments are fed in series with 
>> 10v or in parallel with 5v.  What matters is the measured inrush current 
>> in each filament.  The SB-220 is within Eimac specs.  The TL-922 is not.  
>I take your response as indicating the filament circuits are indeed  
>different. The TL-922 places the filaments in series, ...snip...

The center-tap of the 922's 10v filament transformer winding connects via 
an RFC to the common point of the series-connected filaments---so each 5v 
filament is esssentially fed from a 5v source.  
>> BTW, Mr. Rauch, I'm still waiting for you to publish the letter that you 
>> alleged restores Mr. Miklos to the position of "R+D Engineering Manager" 
>> at Eimac's Salt Lake City facility---a position that their personnel 
>> department said he did not hold during his employment.
>Anyone wishing to see a copy of this letter, ...snip...

Why not publish the alleged Eimac letter on the Web?   If an Internet 
ignoramus like me can do it, why not?  

>>. ..... As I 
>> recall, you stated that Mr. Miklos was going to show up here In January.  
>Mr. Miklos, the former director of R+D at Eimac-Varian in Salt Lake 
>City, is active on internet now Rich. ... 

According to Alta Vista, this Mr. Miklos is NOT active on a USENET 

>I have no control of his 
>activity, but it is clear after he read a few of your poison pen 
>posts he decided to stay far away from you. 
Checking out CVs is only poisonous to prevaricators.  

>Scratch one very useful guy to all of us (except you) on this 
Miklos would be useful to me.  I would like to ask him some questions.  

>For an example of why someone might avoid contributing, we need 
>only look at the long drawn out SB-220 transformer nonsense. 
>Anyone curious should look at the ARRL Handbook's section on 
>transformers ...

The issue is current, not current limiting transformer design.  So far, 
it appears that I am the only person who measured the filament inrush 
currents with an oscilloscope. Who is the person who wants to talk about 
the nitty-gritty of how current limiting transformers are designed?

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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