[AMPS] Re: 4-250A

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 09:56:43 EDT

On Mon, 21 Jul 97 20:20:06 -0700 Rich Measures <measures@vc.net> writes:
>>Rich Measures wrote in reply to G3RZP, who is away from his e-mail 
>>most/all of next week:
>>>>Rich, there's a body of opinion that doesn't agree with you. For
>>>>example, see the curves of IMD against grid volts in The Care and
>>>>Feeding of Power Grid Tubes. My copy is the third printing,, and 
>it's on
>>>>page 72. ...snip...
>>>These curves have nothing to do with grid current.  
>>These curves apply whether grid current flows or not. The x axis is
>>Vg(max)/Vbias, and across most of the graph that quantity is greater
>>than 1, ie grid current must be flowing.
>There seems to be a note regarding "misleading conclusions" for Figure 
>- How many tubes does Eimac recommend for Class AB2 grid-driven linear 
>amplifier service?  

According to C&F pg 73 Eimac claims ANY low amplification factor triode
is suitable for AB1 AND AB2 grid driven service. 
Thats my .03 for the day.

73...Carl  KM1H
>R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   
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