[AMPS] 3CX2500

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 21 Jul 97 20:20:09 -0700

>rich wrote (>), and i offer my unsolicited thoughts, (for what 
>they're worth)
>> At 6kV, for a ZSAC of 0.5A per anode, the grid bias requirement for a 
>> 3CX2500F3 (Mu=22) is roughly -220V.  If the -220V bias supply is 
>> connected between the filament transformer CT (cathode) and 
>> chassis-ground, the grid flange can be directly grounded. 
>the thing i don't like about this sort of scheme is that the formerly 
>wimpy (grid) bias supply now must  become a pretty big power supply 
>which will handle the full cathode current.

-   Only grid current flows between the grounded-grid and the ungrounded 
>and my comments are meant to apply to legal - limit amplifiers for 
>the amateur bands.  others are apparently building amps for other 
The U.S. limit is currently1500W pep.  Other countries represented here 
have different limits.  The U.S. limit is not a law.  It is an arbitrary 
rule set by the FCC.  IMO, the FCC could not care less how much power 
amateur radio operators use---provided that they do not cause 

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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