[AMPS] IMD Test Jig

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sat, 26 Jul 1997 11:59:34 EDT

First of all, thanks to Tom for his informative info on the procedures,

Here is what I propose to use for small tetrodes; critiques welcome.

Sig Generators:  A pair of HP-608F 
RF Pads: KAY or Daven step attenuators with a 100dB range. Known
Combiners: HP 
Power Amp:  Boonton 230A.  This is a linear amp that uses three
3CX100A5's to boost signal generator levels to roughly 8W maximum over
the range 10-500MHz.  
Monitor Rcvr: Either a TS-940 or a 51J4 with VHF converters as required. 
Monitor Meter: HP-3400A true RMS

All of the above is already here in the shop. All I really need is the
actual tube test fixture. I suppose this could also be used with some
brick VHF amps. 

Am I missing anything??

73....Carl   KM1H

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