[AMPS] PA Recommendation Wanted
Ian White, G3SEK
Sun, 8 Jun 1997 16:36:57 +0100
KM1H wrote:
>Hi Ian, you might want to publish the EU Clean Signal Contest rules to
>the VHF Reflector. If you are no longer subscribed there send them to me
>and I will repost.
>It might actually interest a few of the dirty signal group here in the
The RSGB VHF/UHF contest rules and Code of practice are at
They are mostly off-topic for Amps, so here is a very brief summary.
Nobody is penalized for accidentally transmitting a poor quality signal
- only for not fixing it after having been told about it.
All complaints about poor-quality signals in the contest have to be
logged, and that rule is usually enough to remind people to keep it
clean. There is rarely any need for enforcement by the contest
Complaints have to be confirmed from several independent sources. The
organizers know that many problems on VHF are caused by weak front-ends
and too much preamp gain, so they ask everybody who complains to give
details of their receiver line-up, antennas etc.
Nobody is penalized simple for being loud. If the signals are clean,
receiver overload is the other guy's problem. But *persistently*
transmitting a poor quality signal, after receiving justified complaints
from several people, will result in major loss of points or even
This little piece of self-regulation has worked well for about 20 years.
73 from Ian G3SEK Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'
'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
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