[AMPS] Splatter and ALC

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 9 Jun 97 04:51:26 -0700

>> From:          KR4DAGRIP@aol.com
>> To:            andrew@gi0nwg.demon.co.uk
>> Cc:            amps@contesting.com
>> Subject:       Re: [AMPS] Splatter and ALC
>> Date:          Mon, 9 Jun 97 01:28:59 +0000
>>  What kind of audio reports are you getting ????
>> If it ain't broke......
>Audio reports have NOTHING to do with excessive IMD. .......

amen to that, Mr. Rauch. 
  However, I have heard a few signals with so much IMD that folks could 
even hear garbage in the fundamental 3KHz passband!! 

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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