[AMPS] Splatter and ALC

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 9 Jun 97 04:51:28 -0700

>At 12:38 AM 6/9/97 +0000, you wrote:
>>Audio reports have NOTHING to do with excessive IMD. ...

>There was a multi-page article in one of the ham magazines years ago
>stating that new tubes in a linear amp produce clean, crisp, audio
>for a period of time...however long it takes the "new" to wear off
>a tube. That graphite 3-500Z's produce far cleaner and crisper audio
>than their predecessors, and several other descriptions of how linear
>amplifiers can act as audio processors. I don't remember if it was an 
>April fool's spoof or not, ...snip...

It was not an April fool spoof, Phil, although it appeared that one wrote 
it.  The author also recommended running HIGHER filament voltage on the 
graphite 3-500Z --- no fooling.  

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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