[AMPS] ALC/ amp education
Mon, 9 Jun 1997 18:57:21 -0400 (EDT)
In a message dated 97-06-09 00:52:30 EDT, you write:
<< Not to be sarcastic to you, but the notion amps cause " good
audio" or "bad audio" seems to come straight from CB band operators.
At least that was where I heard it mentioned first. They think
class C PA's make the best audio.>>
Not taken as sarcastic, did not know an amp had anything to do with audio,
I assumed the audio could be bad if the amp had problems.
BTW never was a cb'er just a new ham 6 years but no where near an amp expert,
just a novice. The replys here have given me a lot more understanding than I
before I got here several months ago.
I look at it like this I want a basic understanding of what I am using and
how to use better
I am not entending on becoming a competor/expert, the discussions here help
towards this and I get what I feel I need here.
<< "Hows my audio?">>
I never ask that question, I will ask how is my SIGNAL though if I have a
need to know
where I may of changed a mike or what ever.
Again not taken as sarcastic..and do not CARE how it is given..I WILL GET
Thanks for letting me use you guys.
73, KR4DA Bob Lawrenceville GA
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