[AMPS] failure

Peter Chadwick Peter.Chadwick@gpsemi.com
Tue, 17 Jun 1997 15:04:00 +0100

Petter SM3PXO wrote

>Could the high current in the tube keep flowing even though the
>is gone, question really is could the high curent heat the cathode
>to keep the current flowing ?

I think the 8122 has a cathode rather than a filament, so my guess is
that it drew a lot of current while the cathode cooled down, which takes
some time. I suppose its possible that it could draw enough current to
heat the cathode  with no heater volts because of dissipation in the
resistance of the cathode, but I doubt it. However, I wouldn't bet more
than a beer or two on that without more data!



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