[AMPS] Delrin Spreaders

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Fri, 20 Jun 97 06:52:03 -0700

>Rich says:
>Peter says:
... snips..
>What would you recommend for spreaders, not on ladder line but for
>parallel dipole spreaders? 

To minimize mutual-detuning, Larry, multiple dipoles should be no closer 
than 60 degrees apart (3 dipoles).  90 degrees apart provides better 
isolation (2 dipoles).  One of best laughers in amateur radio lore is the 
80m-40m-20m-17m-15m-12m-10m paralleled "multiband dipole".  A 120' wire 
center-fed with home made 14ga. openwire line and a balanced L-network 
tuner is the multiband winner. ... .... IMO, dipoles can not be 
paralleled like resistors, and Delrin, nylon and pvc are not satisfactory 
for RF applications.  

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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