[AMPS] AL-1500

Michael81@aol.com Michael81@aol.com
Sat, 22 Mar 1997 15:09:24 -0500 (EST)

>the AL-1500 is the battleship of them all


Quite a report!

I too have been wanting to go big-time and get a serious HF amp. However, 
more than 90% of my activity is on RTTY, and this presents a few problems.

First, my main radio is a Yaesu 767GX, and in RTTY mode it runs 50 watts. 
The Yaesu guys want me to run 30 watts (!!!) but this does not seem 
necessary, unless I am trying to run stations in a contest ; normally I 
simply limit text to 5 lines. 

So, the amp needs to go to full power with 50 watts drive (or maybe a 
little more).

Second, the amp needs to be loafing at 1500 watts. I suppose this means a 
box capable of more like 2200 watts so I can turn it down.

Do you think the AL-1500 could fill the bill?

Tnx de Mike N4XSE

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