Ron Hooper
Thu, 27 Mar 1997 00:06:26 +0000
Tom Rauch (W8JI) wrote:
> KR4DAGRIP@aol.com wrote:
> > I wonder what the vent temp should be. I was thinking about putting one
> > of those digital thermometers probes on top of the vent. You know the kind
> > you can buy at radio shack that has dual readout, indoor/outdoor type. I
> > wonder how high
> > those little digital thermometers will read. Are fan failuers something to
> > worry about?
> > Just like we keep a lazy eye on the SWR meter this might be a good way to
> > keep
> > an eye on fan/airmovement concerns via temputure readout.
> > Any one tried this?
> The problem with the idea of watching exhaust temp is we aren't worried
> about the exhaust air. The true concern is tube seal and component
> temperature.
> Measuring the exhaust flow temperature actually gives you little idea
> what happens inside the PA.
> There are temperature sensitive crayons and paints available to confirm
> proper operation.
> 73 Tom
Tom is right about the air temp not being a good place to monitor. What
you really want to monitor is the tube temperture especially the seals.
Depending on the tube and the cost, I could probably come up with a RTD
and panel mount temperture indicator that is programable to turn the amp
off if the temp got too high. The RTD's are small enough to mount about
anywhere. Cost would vary from 200 to 500 bucks, not sure. We might
could get a multi channel unit to monitor transformer temp, Anode temp,
fuse holder temp, operator temp etc and dump all that into a computer
file and print out a chart. I will be looking around for something cheap
that would be affordable.
Ron W4WA
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