Don Moman
Wed, 26 Mar 1997 18:49:25 -0700 (MST)
I have used the max/min Radio Shack type thermometers in the airflow on
some of my amps...These only go up to 160 or 170 F - not really high
enough. They go off scale with the Henry 5-K very quickly, at or below
legal output. All those filament amps have to go somewhere!
Just to put some numbers to it, in the BARTG RTTY a few weeks ago, the
exhaust temp on the Alpha 77DX (one hole) was hovering in the 150 F to
just overange, depending on how often the CQ button was pushed. This was
with 1500 out on 20m, about 45 watts drive indicated from the FT-1000mp.
Everything seemed cool and comfortable at that level.
73 Don
VE6JY is Don Moman email: ve6jy@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Box 127 Lamont, Alberta
T0B 2R0 (403) 895-2925
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