[AMPS] Amps

W6TG@aol.com W6TG@aol.com
Wed, 26 Mar 1997 22:02:32 -0500 (EST)

In a message dated 97-03-26 11:32:07 EST, you write:

<< For the price you get a good product; if you need a great product buy one
 of those Creative Labs 3CX3000 amps.
 73...Carl   KM1H >>

Try quick band changes with one of those...what is it ???..... 6 or 7 knobs
to move ?
HI HI ! 

My preference in amps for whatever it's worth. 

For contesting a N6UR homebrew 8877 or  4-1000A that loafs at 1500 watts
output, uses silver plated 3/8 copper tubing for 10 thru 20 meters and silver
plated 3/8 edge wound copper for 40 thru 160 meters...will NOT meltdown.
Vacuum tune cap is a must but a air load cap is quicker to move bands with.
The tuned input circuit is tied mechanically with the RF Switch Co. output
tank circuit switch.(Kinda sounds like a Alpha 77DX). In the case of the 8877
I do suggest a grid overcurrent protection circuit. These amps do have more
air going through them than probably necessary but for contesting maybe not,
anyhow they are somewhat noisey as a result. Headphones take care of that.

For general rag chewing and dxing I prefer the SB-220, no warm-up time,
quiet, near legal output, and they seem to run forever. With vacuum relay mod
they are much less noisey and even QSK if you like.

Terry - W6TG

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