[AMPS] good, bad, ugly

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Fri, 28 Mar 97 06:39:03 -0800

>Subject:     Re: [AMPS] good, bad, ugly
>Sent:        3/27/1997 5:54 PM
>Received:    3/28/1997 2:37 AM
>From:        Harv Shore, af006@lafn.org
>To:          Rich Measures, measures@vc.net
>The quality of parts in the amplifiers and the de-rating thereof is
>not acceptable
>my 87A blew a tantalum capacitor rated at 15 v in a 15 volt circuit.
>the book talks about "flashover" in the tubes as being normal ..........

>From my experiences, flashovers are caused by something conducting inside 
the tube envelope.  Gas is one possibility.  Gold melt-balls is another.  
Gas enters the tube through a bad ceramic-metal silver-solder joint .  
However, this is uncommon.  Gold melt-balls are not.  
  Gold melt-balls are apparently produced by an oscillation condition.  
The loose gold originates from the grid's gold plating.  During 
intermittent VHF/UHF parasitic oscillations, thin surface layers of gold 
boil away and condense into tiny melt-balls.  The semi-fix is to reduce 
the VHF voltage amplification of the 3CX800A7s by lowering the 
parallel-equivalent R of the VHF parasitic-suppressor assembly.  Wherever 
practical, it is helpful to reduce the VHF Rp of conductors between the 
anode and the tune capacitor.  

Just because a tube has some loose gold does not necessarily mean that it 
is kaput.  Interested persons are invited to phone or e-mail me for 

R. L. Measures,ag6k,805-386-3734    

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