[AMPS] Re: skin depth suppression

Phil Clements philk5pc@connect.net
Sun, 25 May 1997 21:52:07 -0500

At 09:41 PM 5/25/97 EDT, you wrote:
>Yeah Phil, the idea sounds good but the 8K was taken off the market by
>Henry due to stability problems. 
>The improved version was just released.....do they use the same
I physically observed the "new" 8K's being assembled at the factory.
The "stability problem" was mechanical. The alignment of the contacts
on the solenoids that select the doorknob tuning and loading caps kept
changing, crispy-crittering and welding them. Also, the Q was very high
in the tank circuit on 15-10 meters due to the inter electrode/socket
capacitance...over 50 pf. Even with no C1 on these bands in the Pi-L,
this was far too high. Henry designed a new socket for the tube, cutting
total stray capacitance to around 35 pf, which is passable for "C1" on
10m. Too bad, they don't make a manual model of the 8K tailored after
the 4K. IMO the Henry 4K is probably the best box to ever come out of L.A.!

Phil, K5PC

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