[AMPS] autoxfmrs

Peter Chadwick Peter.Chadwick@gpsemi.com
Mon, 17 Nov 1997 14:41:49 -0000

Carl says
>How about when used in "buck mode" ?

Don't know exactly. Used one in a big tx when I was a lad at Marconi's
in the mid sixties - it was a 3Amp 22Kv PSU, with a 25KV + xfmr. We had
an autoxfmr to step down the 415v/phase to about 340 with no problems,
but it was not a Variac. It also weighed, as I remember, about 1500lbs,
and was on wheels - once it started rolling, it wasn't easy to stop. We
were using it on a TWT, so the dynamic regulation wasn't so much of a
problem, but it wasn't too bad. Choke input with a 24mFd paper capacitor
on the output.

I also don't ever remember us checking for X radiation.........



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