[AMPS] FS: Kenwood TL922A

KA2YKC@aol.com KA2YKC@aol.com
Fri, 28 Nov 1997 20:41:31 -0500 (EST)

For sale:
Kenwood TL-922A in new mint cond. Not a sctratch on it, looks like brand new.
Have all original boxes and cables, manuals, etc.
Less than 5 hrs. use, has genuine Eimac 3-500z's.
Has 10m mod done professionally done. 
Less than 2 yrs old.

$1200. You may find a cheaper one, but I doubt as nice as this one.
Contact Eric KK2ED  at ka2ykc@aol.com or call 908-525-7744

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