[AMPS] Tubes with handles forsale

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Tue, 14 Oct 1997 10:02:32 EDT

Below message is copied. Contact him...not me....Carl


I have for sale a quantity of Mullard high power
transmitting pentodes.

Mullard Number 7704 (Philips equivalent QBL5-4000).

These tubes are BRAND NEW, in the original Mullard factory 
sealed shipping cases.

          Current U.S. price is $2,500. each.

I am offering these for sale at USD $500. ea. or reasonable
offers in quantities of 2 or more.

Specifications and engineering data available on request.

If these tubes are of interest to you please contact:-

         Joe Ship, VE2JS
         5637 Melling Ave.
         Montreal, Que. Canada, H4W 2C1

Phone:   (514) 482-6500
Fax:     (514) 482-0828
Email:   ve2js@total.net

--------- End forwarded message ----------

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