[AMPS] TL-922 went dead....

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Mon, 27 Oct 1997 16:15:15 EST

On Mon, 27 Oct 1997 16:47:42 -0800 OLYMPUS Support Group
<carsten.esch@olympus-software.com> writes:
>Hello everyone,
>I just got an dead TL 922 from a friend who took part for only 13 
>in the contest, than the 922 signed away....
>He reports that just from the start, tuning was very strange on most
>bands, more precise, the LOAD control was most of the time on the 
>left position (smallest C)(SWR on the antennas was ok!).
>After 13 hours the amp would indicate HF out on the inbuild meter, but
>after a few seconds the needle would drop to zero. After retuning with
>the TUNE knob it worked for some seconds and than went to zero again.
>I haven't opened the amp yet, maybe you could give me a hint where to
>look first.
>Thank you, 
>Carsten, DL6LAU - J75T

I would suggest a visual and smell test first Carsten. Often that will
point you in the proper direction. 
Next step is to key the 922 with no drive and check for proper idling
Also check the grid chokes at the socket pins...they should be about 20
Ohms and show no signs of failure, compression, etc. Measure the Zener
for proper conductivity also.....it is on a bracket on the filament xfmr.

I can try and help further....

73  Carl   KM1H

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