[AMPS] SB-220 continued

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 8 Sep 97 10:50:47 -0800

>> From:          Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
>> Date:          Sun, 7 Sep 97 17:34:55 +0000
>> >Except for some strange reason the very resistors that Rich 
>> >calculates to be perfectly fine commonly fail! 
>> >
>> -  The 'Ra' resistors are intended to be anode fuses.  During a serious 
>> glitch, they open.  Does it seem strange that a fusing element 
>> occasionally opens?
>The resistors in your suppressors and you glitch resistors also 
>change value gradually over time. 

During prolonged RTTY or FM operations on 10m, the resistance of the 1.0 
ohm anode fuse resistors (Ra) gradually decreases about 10%.  ... I have 
seen no evidence that the 10 ohm, 10w glitch resistor (Gr) - in series 
with the anode supply - changes value gradually.  This should come as no 
surprise.  Key-down, at full-throttle, the typical dissipation is 6.4w.  
> Of course, when the resistor is a 
>REGULAR resistor in a conventional system any change in resistance is 
>due to "parasitics".... or so you claim.

I stated that a substantive increase in resistance, especially with no 
outward signs of damage, is likely to be intermittent 
VHF-parasitic-related.  Since Rs is virtually shorted out by Ls at HF, 
VHF energy is required to substantively overload Rs.  
>I'm a little puzzled by what seems to be a contradiction..... 

:-)  Translation:  contradiction =  opportunity

>1.) We know these resistors are used in amplifiers that have all the 
>"hottest" (pardon the pun)  stability mods.
An approproiate pun, Mr. Rauch.  Effective VHF suppressors that don't get 
hot at 28MHz would be too good to be true.  

>2.) You claim most (if not all) glitches in NON-modified amps are 
>supposedly due to parasitics (even when the PA is on standby).
..... roughly 5% of incidents, according to reports from amplifier owners 
during the past 10 years.  

>3.) You claim gas related arcs can't come and go, the tube can't 
>getter itself so the gas remains even after the arc.

Gettering with a cold filament?  Vanishing gas? ...... Thick-sliced 
>4.) You say the "fuse" resistors "occasionally" fail in the 
>nichrome modified amps from "giltches".

...   Forrest Gump said "Shit happens".   
>Number four must mean amplifiers with your mods still "oscillate", 
>since you always say numbers 1-3 are correct.
Such amplifiers occasionally oscillate - however - seemingly less often.  
/  "Always"?  
-  Some of the issues between us appear to involve failure to read what I 
write.  You have often asserted that I say that 'parasitics bend grids' . 
. . .  The first photograph in "Parasitics Revisited" [9/90 QST] shows a 
bent 3-500Z filament-helix rubbing noses with a grid cage whose wires are 
quite obviously straight.  Does it seem very likely that I would 
subsequently make the statement that 'parasitics bend grids'?  



R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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