[AMPS] Re:Two questions

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 8 Sep 97 10:50:50 -0800

>I notice George's first question is still unanswered.
>>two questions occurred to me while catching up on
>>my e-mail reading:
>>1:  "gain is mu*rp" ??? how??? gain is "mu" isn't it?
>>i.e.  Vout/Vin = gain = mu;
>>or... gain = gm*rp, but not a mixture of the two!
>>gain is dimensionless:  mu is dimensionless:
>>gm is a (trans)conductance with the units of inverse
>>ohms:  rp is expressed in ohms:  gm*rp = dimensionless
>Let's define terms - we've got into enough trouble on this reflector by
>having words mean different things to different people.
> mu (amplification factor) is  dVp/dVg  (where d is a Greek delta,
>meaning a very small change). Similarly, gm (mutual conductance) is
>dIp/dVg and rp (plate resistance) is dVp/dIp..........Vp is plate
>voltage, Ip is plate current, Vg is grid volts.
>The signal voltage at the plate is  Vin*gm* [ rp*rl/rp+rl]   where *
>means 'times'.
>rl is load resistance and rp is plate resistance
>(I do wish you could guarantee e-mail to support equations!)

It's do-able.  I draw equations with a drafting app., convert the file to 
GIF format using Adobe Photoshop, and attach it to e-mail, with 
compression-off.  Using an Apple Macintosh OS, one simply drags the icon 
for the received GIF file to the Newscape alias icon, and the GIF file 
opens - -  without further enrichment of the World's Richest Man.  
>So the gain is Vo/Vin = gm* [ rp*rl/rp+rl]   
>The model is a current generator of Vin*gm with two resistors, rl and rp
>in parallel across it.
>But gm*rp = mu so gain is mu*rl/(rp + rl)
>Does that clear it up George?
Some of the unclarity may be due to the use of 'Rp'.   I associate the 
term with the VHF parallel-equivalent resistance of the anode's 
VHF-resonant circuit, and with the parallel-equivalent resistance of the 
anode's VHF suppressor.    .  Others use the term to denote  
"Plate/(anode) Resistance".  The two terms are most definitely not 

-  Basically, VHF voltage-amplification is Mu*VHF-Rp.  IMO, more VHF 
amplification is mo-betta if one is trying to build a VHF oscillator.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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