[AMPS] Re:Two questions

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 8 Sep 97 13:58:42 -0800

>hi rich,
>> -  Basically, VHF voltage-amplification is Mu*VHF-Rp.  IMO, more VHF 
>> amplification is mo-betta if one is trying to build a VHF oscillator.  
>there it is again!  i still say gain *cannot* be mu*rp!!! not any 
>rp!!! it doesn't work out in physics!!!!!
As I recall, Mr. Rauch said it was 1/Rp.  Is this your position?
>mu has no dimensions (i.e. no units) and  rp is ohms, so mu*rp is a 
>resistance, not a gain!

Is amplification-factor multiplied by a resistance a resistance, George?

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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