[AMPS] Dihydrogen monoxide

Stu Greene wa2moe@doitnow.com
Fri, 12 Sep 1997 08:06:56 -0700

At 03:22 PM 9/12/97 +0100, you wrote:
>This dangerous chemical can be easily neutralised in an organic,
>eco-friendly method. Take some barley grain, roast it until a light
>brown, grind it and boil in the dihydrogen monoxide oxide for about an
>hour. Filter, add 5% by volume of hop flowers as of barley, and yeast.
>Keep in about 50degrees F for two weeks or so until the froth
>disappears. Carefully decant off into bottles with a teaspoonful of
>sugar in each one, leaving behind the sediment. Seal the bottles and
>keep, at around 50degrees or slightly less for three weeks, after which
>the dangerous chemical has been changed to a refreshing healthfull drink
>full of vitamin B and nourishment.
>This isn't pseudo science!
Peter...in the Colonies it's imbibed cold and in the Mother Country at room
temperature.  In California they add ice.  73

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