Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Tue, 14 Apr 98 21:30:28 -0800

>     Greetings.  I have a TENTEC Centurion (pair of 3-500Z) that has worked 
>     great for several years.  Used it this weekend to work the H40 on 
>     RTTY.  Although I worked the H40, the amp started arcing (because of 
>     operator error/wrong antenna/you name it!).  Anyway, now when I drive 
>     the amp to full power with correct load, it arcs - all bands.  It 
>     looks like the arcing is in the big tuning capacitor.  It sounds like 
>     a spark-gap transmitter.  It does it whenever I drive it over 400W.  I 
>     haven't opened it up yet, so want to get some ideas of what to look 
>     for, and possible repair ideas.  
>                                           TNX & 73 Denis, W4DC
What is the measured resistance of R1 and R2 (100 ohms) on the 81543 
Plate Connector Board assembly?  -- note -- one end of each resistor must 
be unsoldered to make these measurements.  
.    Do you have access to a high-pot.?
.  What is the colour of the arc? 
-  thanks


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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