km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Wed, 15 Apr 1998 09:15:47 EDT

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998 08:01:07 -0400 CATALANO_DENIS_E@hq.navsea.navy.mil
>     Thanks to Pete (N4ZR), Carl (KM1H), Jordan,  and Rich (AG6K) for 
>  replying to my message.  I opened the amp up last night, and found 
>  several of the tuning capacitor plates pitted and/or melted.  Four 
>  the plates have minor pitting, while three of the plates are 
>  deformed (melted) at the edges where the plates start to mesh.  I 
>  guess I will try the filing method, or maybe see if Tentec would 
>  replacement plates.
>                                          TNX, Denis, W4DC

If you decide to file Denis, remove the cap from the amp. Use a fine
file, remove all the grunge and carefully round all edges. Finish with a
very fine 600 grit  water paper and polish.
Check the switch for any arc signs; clean or replace as necessary.

73  Carl  KM1H


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