[AMPS] parasitics
Rich Measures
Fri, 24 Apr 98 19:38:38 -0800
>>But a good suppressor should work at 50MHz also.
If it does not melt down at 50MHz, it is going to not be so very
suppressive at 100MHz.
>>If the natural parasitic
>>of a 3-500Z is somewhere around 130MHz
IMO, there is no natural parasitic resonance. The tube has 5pF of Cout.
Resonance depends on how much L one connects to the 5pF. Various 3-500Z
amplifiers have anode resonances of 90MHz to 155MHz, depending on the
>>why on earth would you use a
>>suppressor that can barely perform at 28MHz?
Because a suppressor that is designed to run hot at 28MHz exhibits a
minimal amount of Rp at VHF.
>>>...... Rich is correct when he says that a magnetic field produces a
mechanical force.
>>If you are quoting from a textbook then a resounding YES.
Yo, Carl.........Anyvist who has seen the way the cables jump around on a
high current welder when the arc is struck don't need no stinkin' book.
>.........Crocodillian snip.........
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K
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