[AMPS] Odds

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sat, 25 Apr 98 12:43:46 -0800

>On Sat, 25 Apr 98 00:50:14 -0800 Rich Measures <measures@vc.net> writes:
>>>Sorry to jump backwards:
>>>Mike, G0MJW asked if UHF ceramic tubes are more prone to parasitic
>>>oscillation problems than glass types - I don't know, but the grid
>>>inductance you can't get at in the glass tubes might cause bother. 
>>>Several people have told me that 3CX800 goes well in MLA2500 - might 
>>>an easier fix than a tetrode transplant.
>>However, a tetrode does not require a pi network input circuit for 
>>band of operation, which a g-g triode needs, which the MLA2500 does 
>However the MLA-2500 and several thousand 8874 Alpha's work just fine
>with no tuned input.
>Carl  KM1H
True enough -- If you drive them with a tube-output transceiver like the 
TS-830s.  However, not all solid-state final transceivers work just fine 
into an untuned input, which is apparently why Mr. Erhorn abandoned the 
practice in later Alpha models.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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