[AMPS] TITAN power supply question.

Robert W5AJ w5robert@blkbox.com
Sat, 25 Apr 1998 16:13:15 -0500

Having recently replaced the diode board in my TITAN I'm still unable
to get it to fire up.   Any thoughts as to the next test??

Here's the current test setup:
1.  HV cable to RF deck is unhooked.
2.  IF I unhook the HV connector from the diode board everything fires up
    OK - except now the meter lights are out (HV windings unhooked from
3.  IF I hook the HV to the diode board the primary line fuses blow.

The HV string diodes still test OK.  Done the test with the first cap. out
of the
HV filtering caps. and still loose one of the primary side fuses.  I've
brought a HV tester home & put 2200 VDC on the B+ and nothing arc's or
shorts to ground.  

73  Robert W5AJ

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