[AMPS] parasitics

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Tue, 28 Apr 98 15:17:37 -0800

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	km1h@juno.com [SMTP:km1h@juno.com]
>Sent:	Wednesday, April 22, 1998 5:44 PM
>To:	amps@contesting.com
>Subject:	Re: [AMPS] parasitics
>On Tue, 21 Apr 98 22:40:23 -0500 Jon Ogden <jono@webspun.com> writes:
>>>If you continue to live in a parasitic world you will never accept
>>>reality Rich. I dont intend to waste my time in an argument with someone
>>>who can not show proof to support a theory nor accept the possibility 
>>>of another idea
The problem with "another idea" is failure to explain the circumstantial 

>>>Bent filaments or anything else means absolutely squat unless a "real" 
>>>engineering study  can confirm your "theory". So far I find no 
>>>support for it outside of a few that can offer no proof either. Myself , I 
>>>dont believe it at all.
Since I know that "squat" is a euphemism for feces, I pretty much had 
your Position figured out, Carl.  
>>Quite the contrary, Carl.  You, yourself have answered some questions 
>>of mine that begin to confirm some of Rich's theories. 
>Jon, if you believe in those theories that strongly then I suggest that
>you and Rich team up and publish an article in a reputable journal. I am
>a strong believer in peer review 

Such journals depend on paid advertising.  The month after the critique 
of "The Nearly Perfect Amplifier" was published in the Sept., 1994 issue 
of *QST*:
1.   the employer of Mr. Tom Rauch paid for 30-something full pages of 
*QST* advertising.  
2.  in a letter, Mr. Rauch threatens to sue me and *QST* if my rebuttal 
to the Sept., 1994 critique is published in *QST*.
3.  I discovered that letters sent by ARRL members in support of the "The 
Nearly Perfect Amplifier" were not being delivered to the desk of *QST* 
Technical Correspondence column editor, Mr. Paul Pagel.  
4.  I am informed that my rebuttal will not be published in *QST*.  

>and this reflector is read by only a
>tiny fraction of engineers. 
>Until that happens I will continue to be a dis-believer and will also be
>willing to make a public apology if I am wrong. 
>So how about it....does junk science really work?  
During the grate parasitics debate, Mr. Rauch said that gold has two 
melting points, and that AC Circuit Analysis does not apply to parallel 
Ls/Rs VHF parasitic suppressors (shortly after AC Circuit Analysis 
disproved his theory that virtually no VHF current flows in Ls). . 
  Junk Science?  .  .  Wes' copyrighted scientific measurements with a 
Hewlett-Packard Model 4191A RF Impedance Analyzer speak for themselves, 
even though he apparently would rather not.  .  

>[Richard W. Ehrhorn].....


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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