[AMPS] Re:YC240/YC299

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Tue, 8 Dec 1998 13:49:11 -0000

	Rich says

	>> Interelectrode Capacitance est,CIN-17.6 pf,Count-0.08pf,
	>>That Cout looks very wrong. Cgp in series with Cin gives a  Cout
of >6.25pF.
	>For g-g config. it looks fairly typical.  

	How come Rich?  If Cgp is 9.7pF, and the grid is grounded, then Cp
-ground = C plate - grid = 9.7pF = Cout. (plus strays from plate to ground)


	Peter G3RZP

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