[AMPS] Telephone RFI Radio Shack Phones
Rich Measures
Tue, 8 Dec 1998 06:00:54 -0800
>Re: Radio Shack Telephones.
>Remember some comments on Radio shack Phones. Does anyone have model
>numbers on what phones may reduce or eliminate RFI?
>Also are the K-Comm
>filters any good?
Apparently not as good as the double-filter described on my Web site.
For those who know how to solder, the parts can be had from Mouser at a
reasonable price if one purchases a bag of 100 of the requisite chokes
(builds 25 filters). Parts cost of a double-filter is around one dollar.
- later, Brad
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures
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