Fw: [AMPS] Anode load line calculations.
John Fielding
Mon, 21 Dec 1998 16:10:03 +0200
Both - but what's the difference? An amplifier set up to give 100W using a
2000V supply or a 1kW amp using the same ht have the same requirement. The
point I was trying to make, and which you are conveniently ignoring, is
that the RL in either case is radically different if you use the formula I
posted previously.
John zs5jf
> From: Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
> To: John Fielding <johnf@futurenet.co.za>; Amps Contesting
> Subject: Re: Fw: [AMPS] Anode load line calculations.
> Date: 21 December 1998 03:39
> >
> >But Rich you misunderstand what I am trying to tell you and the
> >
> >The anode voltage swing WILL be the 80% or so of the dc supply voltage -
> >but it is now developed across a much higher impedance of 22800 ohms.
> € John: Are we talking about a 100w amplifier using a 2000v anode
> supply, delivering 100w - - or are we talking about a 1000w amplifier
> using a 2000v anode supply, delivering 100w because of reduced drive?
> - thanks
> >.......
> Rich...
> R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures
> --
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