[AMPS] TL-922 Again
Wed, 23 Dec 1998 01:00:35 -0500
On Tue, 22 Dec 1998 16:43:03 -0330 Gus Samuelson <gussam@newcomm.net>
>Well after what turned out to be a successful repair
>I notice that my TL-922 has now developed an intermittent
>IP reading of about 100 mils while idling in the 2000V position
>and about 1.5 mils in the 3000 V position .
Seems somewhat backwards if it was a usual failure mode Gus. I would
start with the covers off and look for a bad solder joint first. I
believe that amp has had some internal work done in the past.
Then fire it up, defeat or throw away that damn shorting bar, and probe
around a bit with a good HV insulated rod...I use various lengths of 1/4"
phenolic or fiberglass rod.
One fairly common problem area in the 922 is in the bias ckt, C-26 has a
history of failures.
73 Carl KM1H
>Out put is not affected and for the first time in along while
>the amp with a pair of brand new Eimacs is delivering full power.
>If I get an opportunity over the Christmas break I will take the
>covers off again.
>Any suggestions where I should look first problems ?
>I can use my ( also recently repaired )SB-220 for any operating
>I might want to do in the interim.
> I Certainly do not want to jeopardize the existing good health
>of my 922 and it's new EIMACs by operating it with a potential
>catastrophic fault looming.
>Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>Brgds 73 Merry Christmas - Seasons Greeting and Happy New Year.
>Gus VO1MP
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