[AMPS] I.C.E. filters
Wed, 23 Dec 1998 22:56:38 -0500
On Wed, 23 Dec 1998 19:59:49 "Phil T. (VE3OZZ)" <phil@vaxxine.com>
>Several weeks ago I replied to someone on the Reflector and suggested
>consider an I.C.E. low pass filter (don't remember the subject of the
>message now). I got several negative comments from people who
>either having, or having heard about, I.C.E. filters that failed
>prematurely. It doesn't appear that any of these experiences were
>recent...most people were commenting on experiences from several years
>Marv Gonsior also spoke about the results of his own analytical
>testing of
>the filters. Marv sited high insertion loss at 29 MHZ amongst other
Hmmmm. I mentioned experiences that Marv then commented on, guess you
forgot me...
Let me repeat that after a very early problem I have been 100% happy with
ICE products
73 Carl KM1H
>I spoke to Mike at I.C.E. today to relay what I've 'heard' here on
>Reflector, and to hear their side of it. According to him, these
>are complete news to him or anyone else at I.C.E. He said they do
>customers filters, but the repairs are normally to fix damage due to
>lightning, accidental full power operation into an open circuit, high
>into high SWR, etc. They are well aware of the high insertion loss
>29Mhz, but that isn't a mistake : they've designed the filter that way
>get the intended performance and feel that so few people operate above
>Mhz anyway, that it wasn't worth compromising performance for a
>seldom-used portion of the band.
>In any event, I.C.E. apparently has a no charge, no time limit
>warranty on
>their filters. They say if you have a product that has failed - no
>how old it is - you should return it for repair or replacement. I'm
>paraphrasing here so you should talk to I.C.E. to get all the details.
> He
>cited a recent example where someone called to order a replacement
>filter. It was an older 100W unit that had been toasted by one of the
>200W transcievers. While the failure isn't I.C.E.'s fault, they
>offered to
>send one of the newer 200W units at no charge.
>It didn't sound to me like they were trying to hide anything - there
>no excuses or "ifs, ands or buts", or carefully worded staements. Mike
>very open and straight forward. If anything, he was annoyed at the
>possibilty that a customer might have had a bad experience and didn't
>them about it.
>So there's the "other side" of the coin. Call I.C.E. (not me) if you
>have a
>1-800-ICE COMM
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