[AMPS]Your non-stop Bickering
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 19:59:58 -0600
I have observed that this newsgroup derives truth in the adversarial
process. 'kinda like our judiciary system. Each party makes the best
possible point they can and represents their case to the best of their
ability (which is formidable). I have found the result more enlightening
than just the opinion of the correct person. Sure I could have gone to the
NEC and stated the rules that apply to 220VAC, but so can a trained parrot.
Now we have an understanding of why and how and the variations in a number
of countries.
In fact I am looking forward to the upcoming match between Rich and Carl
over the effectiveness of the various mods for the SB220 and similar amps
(parasite reduction circuitry).
I recognize that one persons meat is another persons foul but I have a very
nicely operating SB220 because of my association with this newsgroup. Look
for the good Mark. . .its there. It puts me in mind of another saying;
roughly, 'people who love the law and sausage should never see how they are
"Mark Levine. D.C." wrote:
> I realize no-one invited me to this reflector, but it amazes me that you
> people can get anything electronic to work. If you can't agree on how to
> wire something as simple as a 220VAC house circuit, how do you dare mess
> with high voltage and tuned circuits. I thank the people that answered
> my post with their constructive opinions regarding the 87A vs 2500E
> amps, but I haven't the time nor inclination to read your incessant
> bickering. This isn't the forum for me. Good luck and Happy New Year
> to all.
> --
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