[AMPS]Your non-stop Bickering

Charles Jack Hawley c-hawley@uiuc.edu
Thu, 31 Dec 1998 09:17:13 -0600

"Mark Levine. D.C." wrote:

> I realize no-one invited me to this reflector, but it amazes me that you
> people can get anything electronic to work. If you can't agree on how to
> wire something as simple as a 220VAC house circuit, how do you dare mess
> with high voltage and tuned circuits.  I thank the people that answered
> my post with their constructive opinions regarding the 87A vs 2500E
> amps, but I haven't the time nor inclination to read your incessant
> bickering.  This isn't the forum for me.  Good luck and Happy New Year
> to all.

Are you leaving the country or just the list?

Seriously, I think the bickering is just misplaced enthusiasm and better
than complacency when it comes to hooking the neutral wire to the

Once I see the reasoned out correct answer in a post on a particular
subject, I feel better. Try that.

Charles Jack Hawley
Amateur Radio Operator
Chuck, KE9UW

Alias "Jack" to my BMW Motorcycle Friends
BMWMOA # 224   Black '86 K100RS
President, IBMWR

Viki rides...
BMWMOA # 18120   Black '86 K100RS

Sr. Research Engineer Emeritus
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

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