[AMPS] Antenna Delta

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Thu, 31 Dec 1998 16:37:38 -0500

On Thu, 31 Dec 1998 08:27:08 -1000 "Jim Reid" <jreid@aloha.net> writes:
>Aloha,  a few have asked what test report/Dayton talk did
>I have reference to in the below statement:
>>"Well, I read about the tests reported at
>> Dayton last summer about various tri-band antennas.
>>So,  today  I ...
>ordered a Force 12 C4 antenna.  This is the C3 with the addition of
>a 37 foot dipole element for 40 meters."
>The title of the paper,  and talk at Dayton is:
>"HF Tribander Performance,  sub title,  Test
>Methods and Results",  authors, H. Ward Silver,
>N0AX,  and Steve Morris, K7LXC.
>This is a bound  report,  some  42 pages of text,  plus another
>eight appendicies listing all the data collected during tests
>of eight available commercial tri-band antennas,  including
>one 2 el. quad antenna.  The report is copywrited,  costs
>$15,  and is still "in print" and available.

OK, I understand, that is the standard Dayton rip-off if you were
unfortunate enough to miss the talk.  Same people, same $ every year. 
The problem is that the report is via a court trained stenographer and is
seriouisly lacking in detail. It IS NOT verbatim.

Curious that they go from the almost 40 yr old TA-33 to some modern
antennas but miss a bunch such as all Cushcraft products, and other
brands/models that compete directly in size, etc with those listed. 
Was this another Force 12 sponsored talk?
BTW, I have absolutely no financial ( or any other personal) interest in
Cushcraft or any other manufacturer. I use some of their antennas here
but always rebuild to my own specs. 

Anyway it is OFF-TOPIC so a private reply may be a better choice to
continue this.

73  Carl  KM1H

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