[AMPS] Smoking/Eating in the Multi Op Room!?

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Thu, 31 Dec 1998 11:44:58 -1000


Am aware of one multi-multi where amp faults began to occur.  Develops
that a previous owner evidently allowed smoking,  careless eating about
the op room.   Surely this must be an absolute no-no!  Much effort was
required to clean the tobacco tar/gunk and whatever else was sucked
in via the blowers from the polluted room air.  

No one smokes around my gear;  and little food.  Makes for sticky 
key board keys,  paddles,  etc.  in pretty short time!  

Just a thought for a New Year's resolution,  if you needed another,  hi.

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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