[AMPS] What amplifier...?

Lars Harlin lars.harlin@pocab.se
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 23:14:32 +0100


Have some questions on behalf of a friend of mine, who recently purchased a
second hand amp.

He tells me that it looks like a factorydesign and is labeled "PRESTIGE".
Myself I�ve never heard of that brand...

I comes with separate 3-phase HV PS, and employs 2 pcs 3-1000 tubes.
Has anyone of you guys heard of that creature? Manual? Circuitdiagram?

73�s de Lars /SM3BDZ 
Lars Harlin			Private:	lars.harlin@pocab.se
Gr�ft�gr�nd 22    		Hobby:  	sm3bdz@pobox.com
S-831 71 �stersund		Work:		http://www.pocab.se

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