[AMPS] Filter Capacitors
km1h @ juno.com
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 11:21:04 EST
CGS (upraded version of CG) series of caps are stocked by many major
distributors such as Mouser. 240MF is not a standard value but the 210MF
will do just fine.
Another source is Harbach Electronics who sells the 210MF in a SB-220
repair kit.
Define "reasonable cost" . Is $10-12 each too much when weighed against
the cost of a new amp?
GL Carl KM1H
On Thu, 26 Feb 1998 09:45:24 -0500 "Bryant, Ted L." <tlbryant@tva.gov>
>I have an old BTI LK2000 (3-1000Z) amp whose filter caps (240mfd at
>450wvdc, Mallory CG241T450V4C) have bit the dust. Anyone know of a
>source for replacements at a reasonable cost? Suggestions for
>Ted, N4RG
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