[AMPS] Filter Capacitors

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Thu, 26 Feb 98 08:53:58 -0800

>I have an old BTI LK2000 (3-1000Z) amp whose filter caps (240mfd at
>450wvdc, Mallory CG241T450V4C) have bit the dust.  
You need to replace them with a higher total WV, which means more 
capacitors than stock.  Doing this requires building a replacement cap 
mtg. board to cover the existing space.  
-  I would go for a total minimum WV of 4000, or 2kWV per leg for the 
BTI's fullwave doubler.
-   Mouser 1 800 346 6873 or DigiKey 1 800 344 4539. carry such 
capacitors.  For longest life, use 105 deg C rated caps.  The least 
stressful way to mount electrolytics is with silicone rubber adhesive on 
a plexiglas or g10 sheet, terminals up.  Leave a an air gap between 
capacitors.  Matsushita/Panasonic100k ohm 3w MOF resistors make good 
equalizer resistors, and they will not make enough heat to bake out the 
caps as would be likely with fewer ohms.  .   
>Anyone know of a
>source for replacements at a reasonable cost?  Suggestions for
The newer design, more compact, electrolytics will allow you to use more 
total C, even though you will be using more units.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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