[AMPS] Keying Clipperton L w/ FT-840

Doug Person ki6bq@ibm.net
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 10:50:02 -0500

Hello Jonathan,

The FT-840, like a few Yaesu rigs, must use an external relay box
in order to properly key a conventional amplifier.  You can use
either the Yaesu FB-757 relay box or the new Ameritron adaptor.

Unfortunately, Yaesu choose to support only the FL-7000 amplifier
on the FT-840, FT-890, FT-757 and others of this generation.


Doug -- W4DXV

jonk wrote:
> Hi all,
>     I'm still trying to put my Clipperton L AMp into service here. I had
> it repaired(shorted tube and burned rectifier diodes), but now I can get
> the radio to key the t/r relay in the Amp. I checked the cord and it's
> OK, so when I short the center and shield on the cord, the Amp goes into
> transmit. I jumpered the cord to the proper pins in the radio (pin2-tx
> ground to center and pin 3-ground-to shield) and nothing happens. It
> sems the radio just doesn't complete the circuit.
>     Yaesu tech support says the radio is supposed to take pin2 low to
> ground. So, if that's true, how am I supposed to make this arrangement
> work? Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance for your help
> 73s de Jonathan ko6xs
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Jonathan Kaplan <jonk@moonlink.net>
>   President
>   JSK Enterprises, Inc.
>   Jonathan Kaplan
>   President              <jonk@moonlink.net>
>   JSK Enterprises, Inc.
>   6165 Zumirez Drive     Work: 310-457-1545
>   Malibu                 Fax: 310-589-1197
>   CA                     Netscape Conference Address
>   90265                  Netscape Conference DLS Server
>   USA
>   Additional Information:
>   Last Name    Kaplan
>   First Name   Jonathan

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